Fashion for all women

From Carolyn Mackler, The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, (Massachusetts: Candlewick Press, 2003):

Strawberry is a funky discount store that I’ve browsed in before, but I’ve never had the guts to buy anything there. I like that they have cool clothes in every size, from extra-small to extra-large. And they’re all mixed together, so the fat girls aren’t banished to the fat floor where the dresses look like gunnysacks and the mannequins resemble embalmed grandmothers. (P. 187)

I just finished this book, and recommend it. It’s shelved at libraries and bookstores in teen fiction, formerly known as young adult–more on that distinction later, I promise. The main character, Virginia Shreves, has an emotional depth of character and a strong, funny voice.

I’ve written before about fashion injustice for non-mainstream sizes here, and here.

One Response to “Fashion for all women”

  1. nyc bette Says:

    i will go in and check out strawberries now…i always avoided it simply because of it’s J-Lo/Britney-inspired window displays…it’s a polyester playground for the teen girls!