Et Tu, Mouton?

Last night, G. Grod and I were huddled in the basement, desperately trying to stay cool in this horrible ongoing heat and humidity. G. heard a noise, well after we’d put the boys to bed, and went upstairs, where he found Drake sitting quietly on the steps.

“What’s up, buddy?” G. asked.

“It’s the friends,” Drake sighed, referring to the group of stuffed animals that he sleeps with, of which Mouton (a sheep blankie from France, pronounced to rhyme with “crouton”) and Daisy are the leaders. “They said they wanted me to sleep in the big bed tonight, not with them.”

G. wasn’t sure if Drake meant our bed, or the guest bed, but he managed to persuade Drake that his friends DID want him in his own bed. Drake returned quietly and happily there.

I felt very sad when G. related this to me. Poor Drake, kicked out of bed by his own coterie of imaginary friends.

2 Responses to “Et Tu, Mouton?”

  1. Sydney Says:

    Could this have been a bad dream, perhaps? Or do his lovies often ’speak’ to him? It broke my heart to read this. Give him lots of love and hugs from me.

  2. girldetective Says:

    It was likely a bad dream, though he often tells us what his toys are saying. I found that three has been the age of imagination. Drake would say that certain characters from his books were coming over for dinner, or make up conversations among his cars, he called any number of things “buses” (chairs, the stroller, swings) not in a mistaken way but in a creative way. He put his Ikea snake on the couch and said that it was the friends’ (loveys’) car, and he was going to the friends’ house, where they would play with cars. I think his dreams have reflected this capacity for imagination, and this was likely one of them.