New Look

Yay or nay? The orange and green one got hard for me to read. I wanted more contrast so I thought I’d try on a new look for fall.

4 Responses to “New Look”

  1. carolyn Says:

    i like the look. the only thing i don’t love is that the entries are all shortened (or all except the top one?). i like scrolling up and down your page…

  2. Kate Says:

    It’s confusing me! I like the colors, but the two long columns on the right distract my eye.

    What I do think is interesting is how the look of a blog becomes part of the blog itself. I don’t notice it on my own blog, but when ones I read regularly change I always react the same way–”Holy Mackeral”–until I get used to it.

  3. girldetective Says:

    Thanks. I wasn’t thrilled either with the 3-column format, or the shortened entries. I also thought the type was too small for the title, so I’m back to “Almost Spring” and will keep looking for a good alternative.

  4. Sydney Says:

    Good. I was not a fan. I didn’t know what to do… all of a sudden, your blog felt like a stranger to me!