Fall 2007 Monday TV: Heroes

I feel like a bad geek that I don’t love, or even sometimes like, Heroes. With all the media blitz and the love from places like Entertainment Weekly, I feel like a curmudgeon that I can’t join the chorus, especially because it’s so connected to, and respectful of, one of my favorite media mediums, comic books. I mean, Tim Sale did all the Isaac paintings last season; how cool was that?

The problem with a team show, though, is that there are going to be weak links. The more characters I like, the more I like the show. And here’s how the numbers stack up, for me:

Like: Claire, her dad HRG, Peter Petrelli, Hiro, Ando, Sylar

Don’t like: Parkman, Molly, Mohinder, Nathan Petrelli, Mrs. Petrelli, Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Muggles.

Meh: Nicki and Micah, new characters Maya and her brother

The season premiere didn’t do much for me. Last year I watched the first few eps, got bored, stopped watching, and started again toward the end when my husband G. Grod said it got good again. I don’t want to miss good stuff, but I dislike at least half the characters, and those aren’t good odds. Perhaps the addition of Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) will turn the tide.

Other opinions from The Onion AV Club, Entertainment Weekly, Everybody Loves Saturday Night, and The Watcher

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