Checking Back on Fall 2007 TV

A month into the new season, and here’s how things stand in our house:

Mondays: How I Met Your Mother and Heroes
Tuesdays: Bones, House and Reaper
Wednesdays: Life, and Dirty Sexy Money
Thursdays: 30 Rock and The Office

The 30-minute comedies aren’t consistently funny. The Office especially suffered from the hour-long gimmick. But all three have enough gems to make me laugh out loud several times, and that’s good enough for me.

There’s lots of non-love for the new season of Heroes. My trick is to fast forward through the story lines that irritate or bore me–Maya for the first few eps, then New Orleans for the last few. I am bothered by the fake Irish and New Orleans accents. Parkman is more of a Power Tool than ever. Wait, why am I watching, again? Oh, that’s right. I like HRG and Claire, I hope to see her new boyfriend turn out to be evil, Kristen Bell is the new naughty hot girl tracker for the company, and…well, we’ll see.

I can’t believe I was ready to drop Bones. It’s like the studio gave the writers unlimited Red Bull or something. The characters and the dialogue are often hilarious. I’m enjoying the twist of House’s new staff, and the reality-show vibe of it.

Reaper was irking me after a strong pilot by merely doing the same thing over and over. But a few reveals in the last two episodes–Sam getting his contract from the devil, and Sam’s dad behaving badly–bode well for the future plots and character development, as noted by the Onion AV Club.

Last night’s Life had some terrible lines and a lame mystery (why does this happen right after a recommend a show?), but the backstory of his history was good. I haven’t watched DS$ yet, so more on that later.

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