A Mystery about a Mystery

Perhaps one of you can help me. About ten years ago, I read a good review of a book, probably a mystery title. It was described as either a sequel or an homage to Wilkie Collins’s Woman in White. That’s how I became aware of WiW, and I told myself I wasn’t allowed to buy that new book till I read the Collins book; that didn’t happen until recently. Google searches have turned up nothing. I even emailed Uncle Edgar’s, where I remember seeing and not buying the book. They didn’t know what book I was thinking of.

Here’s what I know, or rather, what I remember, whether correctly or not. It probably came out sometime in the late 90’s or early 00’s. It might have been a New York Time Notable Book of the year, since I subscribed back then. It was related in some way to Wilkie Collins’s Woman in White, so I think it was a mystery. And it may have had a black and yellow cover.

Some girl detective I am. Any ideas, anyone?

3 Responses to “A Mystery about a Mystery”

  1. Becca Says:

    James Wilson’s The Dark Clue:


    Came out in 2001
    Related to Woman in White
    Black (grey) and yellow cover


  2. weirleader Says:

    Well I love a good mystery and have a tendency to get obsessive-compulsive about random things when I have too much work hanging over my head (like right now). Therefore, I couldn’t resist taking a stab at Googling. :-)

    Alas, I only found one possibility and it’s likely way too recent, given your description. Nonetheless, here it is…. Perhaps, at the very least, it would be something you’d also be interested in.

    For the record, I’ve never heard of it and am not recommending it… just trying to help you with your “mystery”. ;-)

  3. girldetective Says:

    Both Becca and Blogenheimer found it: James Wilson’s Dark Clue. The HC was yellow and black, though the TPB wasn’t. And I’m adding The Minotaur to my ever growing TBR list; thanks, WL!