If Only There Were Such a Thing

As we set off, late again, for music class this morning, I lamented, “Drake, if you listened, we’d be on time. You didn’t, and we’re late. How can I help you learn to listen?”

Drake replied immediately, and matter of factly, “Go to the Learn to Listen Shop, Mom.”

2 Responses to “If Only There Were Such a Thing”

  1. Kirk Says:

    I must say, I do enjoy living vicariously through the Kids Say the Darndest Things of my friends’ children. And I think I’m quite content with that being the extent of my involvement with kids — just the winning one-liners.

  2. girldetective Says:

    Yeah, that pretty much encapsulates much of parenting for me–lots of drudgery and occasional funny/joyful moments. Better to record the latter than the former.

    Drake has been listening pretty well lately, and everyone is breathing sighs of relief.

    I lost my voice earlier this week, and thought, “Well, my kids don’t listen to me anyway, so no biggie. Of course, they did still expect me to keep up my quota of reading/singing, which I did in whispers. Then they complained that they couldn’t hear me. I told them to listen harder.