“Never Leave Child Unsupervised”

This seems like a no brainer, right? Yet I challenge any parent to maintain 24/7 supervision of their child, especially when there’s more than one of them and only one of you.

Here are a few recent adventures in brief, unsupervised time:

“Butt Machine” 4yo Drake found this music video on Youtube when G. Grod left the room. And continues to repeat the phrase at random.

Water, water, everywhere: I chose to fold the laundry, since the boys sounded as if they were playing happily upstairs. They were indeed happy, having gotten water on all four bathroom walls and 1/8″ deep on floor. They were given timeouts and told to never play in the sink again. Yeah, right. Silver lining: the bathroom floor got a wet mop that it otherwise wouldn’t have.

Wha’ happened?
I left the boys on the backyard swingset while I went inside to start dinner. Next time I checked, they were gone–out the yard and down the street. We now have padlocks on two of the three backyard gates.

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