The Best of the Booker

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Booker Prize, now the “Man Booker”, six books were shortlisted earlier this month for a Best of the Booker special prize. A similar prize, The Booker of Bookers, was given for the 25th anniversary in 1993, and awarded to Salman Rushdie for his first novel, Midnight’s Children. That book is the odds on favorite for Best of the Booker as well.

You can vote here. The six shortlisted books, chosen from the list of 41 Booker Prize and Man Booker Prize winners, are:

Pat Barker’s The Ghost Road (1995)

Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda (1988)

JM Coetzee’s Disgrace (1999)

JG Farrell’s The Siege of Krishnapur (1973)

Nadine Gordimer’s The Conservationist (1974)

Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children (1981)

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