
The swank new appearance is a benefit of the upgrade to WordPress 1.5, also used by the much-more-famous-than-I Warren Ellis, whose site I won’t link to because the last time I did I saw something I wish I could erase from my memory. My tech-spouse G. Grod has been muttering for some time (weeks? months? they all run together) about making the change to 1.5. He was spurred into action this weekend after the site got blasted by blackgammon spam. I again have a blurb, as I did at the old Girl Detective. I’m not sure I like the electric blue, but the new typeface is much better and easier to read. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one annoyed that “cl” looked like “d”.

I’m wavering about keeping the comments. There have been some fun discussions, as on messiahs and favorite fictional characters, but reader use is sporadic, and they do make me a target for the evil spammers.

As for the tagline, “needs more penguins,” it was something that G. Grod threw onto the template to see if it worked, which it didn’t until the upgrade. Now it does, but it’s pretty random, and perhaps only funny to G. Grod, me and friends who may have been with us (?) at its inception.

Feel free to email or comment any thoughts, on comments or on penguin taglines. Heck, feel free to make up an origin story for the tagline, as long as it’s not (too) naughty. This is a family weblog, after all.

One Response to “Behold”

  1. Ruthie Says:

    Just noticed it. I like it.