2:58 a.m.

2yo Guppy, screaming. I stumble in, give him water, which usually appeases him. He continues to moan. I return to bed, hoping he’ll settle. He doesn’t, and his cries increase in volume. I return, pat his back, and ask what’s wrong. I ask if he wants a hug. He nods and stands up, then quiets down.

I tell him to lay back down with his friends Snake and Baby Elmo. Guppy suddenly is in a rage.

“I DON’T _WANT_ BABY ELMO!” he yells, picking up the toy and flinging it across the room, and beginning to cry again. I am at a loss.

“More water?” I ask, and am surprised when he agrees. He finishes the cup, and asks for more. I get some from the bathroom, then return, and his screams rise in pitch.


It is too dark for him to see me roll my eyes. “OK, Guppy, I’ll take you out of the crib, we’ll go into the bathroom, dump out this water, and you can fill the glass again.” My sarcastic tone and sigh were to make me feel better; I knew he wouldn’t get it.

“O-TAY,” he says, petulantly. But we do exactly that, and I return him to the crib. He has quieted, and I ask him if it’s all right if I go. He says yes, and I beat a hasty retreat before he changes his mind.

2 Responses to “2:58 a.m.”

  1. Jack Vinson Says:

    We have one that does this. And it is frequently the same as you describe: _I_ WANTED TO DO [pick your activity]

    He has a shortcut “Do myself” that he uses when he isn’t quite so upset.

  2. girldetective Says:

    Some how we’re sorely lacking in the “not quite so upset” moments lately. Lots of screaming. Lots of fighting and hitting. Sigh.