Sesame Street Season Premiere

I’m watching the season premiere of Sesame Street with my kids. Murray seems to be the monster of the show. I wonder if they’ll feature other monsters in an alternating manner. No Cookie Monster? Wrong. Just wrong.

I wish I hadn’t watched the Feist “1, 2, 3, 4″ video before this. It’s delightful, and would have been a joy to be surprised by. Jack Black’s octagon enthusiasm was pretty fun to watch.

2 Responses to “Sesame Street Season Premiere”

  1. Steph Says:

    That Feist video for Sesame Street is super cute (though she could have done with a better outfit!), and I found myself singing the “kids version” for a few days afterwards. Guess they had to cut out the line “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10″ for obvious reasons…

    I’ve heard Neil Patrick Harris has a guest spot in an episode at some point and sings. Should be great!

    (Note, I have no children, and therefore no real reason to watch Sesame Street…)

  2. Sydney Says:

    Ruthie and baby boy watched this today, too. Loved Murray and his little Spanish purple lamb. Came in to the shop to tell me all about it, and then I read your blog. :)