A Flair for the Dramatic

Coming downstairs in the morning, 5yo Drake announced, “Mom, I have BAD NEWS.”

I replied calmly, “Oh? What is it?”

“BOTH my nostrils are BLOODY.”

I did a quick check. He had a little bit of dried blood around his nose, on his face and his pajamas. It’s weed season for allergies, and he’s had a tough time. I dabbed gently at his face with a tissue. “Better?” I asked.

“Oh, yes!” he grinned, and ran into the kitchen for breakfast.

Later that day, I awoke from a nap to find Drake standing in front of me, panting and sobbing.

“Mom, I’m in GREAT DANGER in the basement!”

I took him in my arms and asked, for the second time that day, “Oh? What is it?”

“A SPIDER!” he said, continuing to tremble. “It MOVED!”

“Would you like me to kill it?”


And so I took a shoe to the basement and killed a mostly harmless brown house spider. “Better?” I asked.

“Oh, yes!” he grinned, and settled back down on the couch to finish his show.

One Response to “A Flair for the Dramatic”

  1. weirleader Says:

    I think these types of conversations (if they can be called that) are my absolute favorite thing about being a parent!

    It reminds me of that show “Kids Say The Darndest Things”… :-)