What’s Next, Limericks?

Rhyming is a developmental stage for kids. 5yo Drake’s been doing it for about a year, and 2.5 yo Guppy is just starting. He’s a second child, so he hits a lot of milestones earlier than Drake did because of his big brother’s example.

Last week, though, we had a few rhyming incidents that left me less than proud.

Drake, listening to the song “I Like Bugs” on the new Yo Gabba Gabba microphone: I like jugs!

Guppy, after I sang the Thumb-in-the-thumb-hole/Putting-on-your-mittens song: Thumb in the bum hole!

I was thankful I was the only audience. Though it was difficult, I did not laugh. Best not to encourage them in naughty rhyming.

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