2:00 a.m. To-Do

2.5yo Guppy woke at 2 a.m., screaming with rage, in a continuation of a tantrum he’d had before bedtime, when my husband G. Grod thought he’d try to be helpful and remove Guppy’s sock. Guppy, who of course wanted to do it himself, threw a fit and insisted that he wanted me to put the sock back on, but I was at the movies. G. and I stumbled around in the dark, trying to find his socks in the dirty laundry pile, and then I put them on Guppy. At last he was appeased.

But then 5yo Drake, who’d also been awakened by the ruckus from the bunk below, asked me to get him a drink of water. Then Guppy wanted a drink of water. Only then G. and I were allowed to return to bed.

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