50 Book Challenge, 26

Fast Food Nation Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. A woman I know refused to read it because her friends who read it no longer shop at chain grocery stores or eat at fast food restaurants. Scary, enlightening, compelling and well-written. It made me glad I already adjusted my life to (mostly) eschew fast food and grocery chains. One of the reasons I enjoy living in the twin cities is the abundance of whole-food cooperatives, one of which I can (and do) walk to.

2 Responses to “50 Book Challenge, 26”

  1. Sydney Says:

    I recommended this book to you 3 years ago, after Derkowski recommended it to me and I read it cover to cover. If my memory serves, you didn’t want to read it. I believe you told me that you found the subject matter grizzly and sensational. Am I imagining this conversation?

    It is indeed an eye-opening expose about the fast food industry. As a gal who used to eat and enjoy McD’s 3 lunches a week, it changed my life and eating habits significantly. (Though I still miss those damn fries!)

    Poor cows.

    BTW- I am eating only organic, brown, free-range eggs now. Sadly, no jumbo double-yolkers for me anymore. But you made a good point about the chicken/hypocrisy thing. Noted.

  2. girldetective Says:

    Are you implying that I said something three years ago that I may have changed my mind about? Impossible.

    Actually, while I don’t remember your recommendation specifically, it was one of many at the time. For whatever reason (perhaps impending pregnancy) I wasn’t up for gruesome reading. I don’t think I would have called it sensationalistic, though, since everyone I knew who read it liked it and respected it. But hey, I’ve been known to say a stupid thing or two in my life.

    Organic free-range eggs taste better, too.