Do Not Leave Child Unattended; Keep Out of Reach of Children

This week’s creative mess from the kids came when I went outside to shovel snow. I was hopeful that they’d play together. Instead, I returned to find Drake nervously smiling. He told me to look in our pantry. I steeled myself for an avalanche of flour or cereal, but what I found was much worse. He’d found the baking oil spray can, and sprayed everything he could reach with it–all the cereal, fruit, cans, flatware, cabinets, and little brother 2yo Guppy. I yelled. And yelled. Then managed to get him to help clean up.

Yet really, who can I blame but me? I wanted to shovel the snow before dark. I took a risk, and Drake acted according to his curious, mischievous 5yo nature. Coulda been worse. It wiped up and cleaned off fairly easily. I ran the flatware through the dishwasher, and the boys through the bath. The squash still look a little shiny, and the cereal boxes speckled, but otherwise, we’re OK. Next time, though, I’m not leaving them inside, alone. They’re coming outside with me, subzero temperatures be damned.

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