“Your reading list has no unread items.”

I did it. I finally made it through all the feeds from the blogs and sites I read. This past May preschool ended and our routine changed then changed again, plus I’ve been slowly working myself out of a minor slough of despond, and my number of unread items ballooned to 415.

And I didn’t read them all in a day. Or a weekend. Or a week. It’s taken several weeks to slowly, slowly get to zero.

Part of it is my own fault; I fret that I might miss anything. Also, I’ve carefully selected and regularly cull the sites I read. Most of the stuff on my to-read list is stuff I actually WANT to read. And some of it, as from The Morning News or Arts and Letters Daily, can be long and challenging. So I skimmed what I needed to skim. Skipped what I could skip. Made time for things that took time. And I’ve finally made it back to zero unread items.

Now I just need to do this every day. Wish me luck.

One Response to ““Your reading list has no unread items.””

  1. Amy Says:

    Hoping the slough of despond can be kept at bay.