Acknowledgement pages

I’ve been bothered for a while how acknowledgment pages have gotten out of hand, and written about Melissa Bank’s The Wonder Spot’s curious lack of one.

Here, Emily G. does a much better, funnier job of critiquing these pages. I especially like her idea of having a film-credit like list at the end. Link via Bookslut.

2 Responses to “Acknowledgement pages”

  1. nosleep3 Says:

    I would like to thank Emily G., for pointing out the madness of acknowledgment pages, which, if you do some research, you’ll find did not seem to exist until some time in the twentieth century. I’d also like to thank the illustrious Girl Detective for having this blog, George Washington Carver using the peanut to invent everything from drinks to peanut butter to axle grease, and Chandra, the Indian god of the moon and fertility, for doing what he does best.

  2. duff. Says:

    yesterday at the dentist, i was flipping through a graphic book on molar replacement and i arrived at a full page long list of acknowledgements. who wants to be thanked by some dental dork who basically took a powerpoint presentation and had it bound into a book? ridiculous!