Owen Wilson/Ben Stiller double feature

Movies 35 and 36 in my movie challenge for the year were Zoolander and Starsky & Hutch. These were good, funny little movies that got the laughs and then got out. Each clocked in at about 90 minutes, as a good comedy should–see Wilson’s Shanghai Noon and Shanghai Knights for why not to push it to two hours. I am not a Ben Stiller fan. I find him rather creepy. Yet I didn’t find his presence detrimental to these movies, and he was particularly funny as Starsky. Both movies had strong supporting roles by the hilarious Will Ferrell. The soundtrack to Starsky and Hutch was great, as were the fashions. I keep hoping that both Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson will find better movies and larger audiences, but they’re doing pretty well in Wedding Crashers, which is a good sign.

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