Three-way action

On television, that is. On Tuesdays, I curse the network programmers. They have scheduled three of the shows I deign to watch during the same time slot. House is on ABC, Veronica Mars is on UPN and Scrubs is on NBC, all between 8 and 9 p.m. Central time.

Luckily, our DVR can record two shows at once. Then we watch the third in real time. If you haven’t, here’s why you should check out these shows.

Scrubs is a good half-hour sitcom. It has amusing fantasy sequences, and the actors do a great job with the good writing, and actually seem as if they’re having a good time. Especially good is John McGinley as Dr. Perry Cox.

House is medical procedure drama. I have not yet committed to this program but it shows promise. Hugh Laurie, an English actor best known for comedy (see Blackadder, if you haven’t), is a grouchy, pill-popping doctor with a crippled leg and a crappy bedside manner. Interestingly, his character is not that different from Dr. Cox on Scrubs, when you make the adjustments for an hour-long drama. There is an underused supporting cast who do a great job with the slight stuff they’re given. House still hasn’t found its balance. Dramas with dark, unlikeable protagonists usually get cancelled quickly. If it can stay afloat till it finds its stride, it may be a good show with a truly complex lead.

Veronica Mars has been compared, rightly, to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Like Buffy the character, Veronica is a sassy blond. Like Buffy the show, Veronica has great dialogue and explores some dark stuff, like rape and murder. Unlike Buffy, the monsters here are all human, not fantastic. Veronica’s dad is a detective, and in true girl-detective fashion, she helps him solve cases plus takes on some of her own, including the quest for her long-gone mom. Veronica Mars may well be not only my favorite new show of the season (yes, I like it better than Lost) but perhaps my favorite show right now.

I nurse a small hope that House will take a turn for the worse and that I can stop watching. So far, though, I’m not able to give up on it yet.

2 Responses to “Three-way action”

  1. carolyn Says:

    i agree - veronica mars is a great show. i wish i was a sleuth like that!!

  2. carolyn Says:

    p.s. and apparently the OC will now be moving to Life as We Know It’s time slot so i’m going to be in a similar bind! and i’m an idiot and got the tivo that can only record one channel at a time.