“The Princess and the Frog” (2009)

I watched my first Disney princess movie with the boys when I took them to see The Princess and the Frog this weekend. But surprise–the heroine isn’t a princess! Tiana–the first African-American princess, about time!–is a hard-working girl from a poor family who is saving to open her own restaurant in New Orleans. The prince is a handsome twit, and some voodoo magic turns him into a frog. While some of the broad strokes are predictable (boy ends up with girl, bad guys are punished, etc.) several of the details are not, and those are what make it charming. My boys, 6yo Drake and 4yo Guppy, loved it, and laughed throughout. They didn’t find the scary parts too scary, though my husband G. Grod and I had a hard time explaining where the bad guy went (he got dragged to hell by demons.)

Wondering: is Prince Naveen the hottest Disney prince? I think so.

Prince Naveen

One Response to ““The Princess and the Frog” (2009)”

  1. Ruthie Says:

    haven’t seen movie but I think this pic of Prince Naveen looks like Michael Phelps.