Teach Your Children

I swear, I didn’t teach him this. On purpose, at least.

Drake was playing with the bottle of nose drops when he pointed to the black dot with the black ring around and said very clearly, “Target.” I stared at him as if he were possessed. I teach Drake the names of lots of things. He is currently able to identify not just fire trucks and police cars, but also Beetle Bugs and PT Cruisers. But I have never directly identified Target, though he’s accompanied me on countless errands there.

I forgot about this till the other day we were at a store that had a toy delivery truck with the Target name and logo on the side. Sure enough, Drake pointed at it, and said, “Mommy, Target.”

He’s two. And he can identify the trademarked bullseye design.

What have I done?

2 Responses to “Teach Your Children”

  1. Elle Says:

    It’s OK! It’s just the weird stuff kids learn….my kids can point out every McDonalds (we don’t eat there), every Walmart (we don’t shop there) and every Money Tree (never stepped inside of one). Those they learn from the radio. I’m not sure why they retain it, but can’t remember to put their shoes in the same place every time they take them off. Just take it as a sign of his innate intelligence!

  2. ruthie Says:

    Just as you insist he knows downdog b/c you did yoga while he was in utero, perhaps he knows who helped paid the bills then too.