Sick Day

Two-year-old Drake woke at 6 this morning crying, then threw up on me when I tried to comfort him. I felt so bad for him. Throwing up is such an alarming thing when you know what it is and have words to describe it, but for him it is understandably quite upsetting. He had a tough morning with lots of crying, and I find I’m much more patient with lengthy crying when I know what the reason is. He took a morning nap on the couch, and is having his second nap of the day, so I know he isn’t his normal self. We skipped music class and going to the park and instead stayed in to read. I made a batch of Jello, and diluted some of the liquid for him at lunch. He calls it “geggo.” I may let him play in the back yard when he wakes up if he seems better.

Sick days are kind of weird as a stay at home mom. I don’t have a boss or employees that I need to inform, I don’t need to worry or email. I need to give some of the same regard to myself as I’m giving to Drake, such as rest and fluids. Because whatever he has, I’m likely to get, and that’ll only make things more difficult for both of us. That hasn’t been enough to restrain me, though, from a load of laundry (the vomit clothes), the dishes, emptying the garbage, sorting the recycling, and sweeping the kitchen floor. Other than all of that, though, as of now I’m resting.

2 Responses to “Sick Day”

  1. emily Says:

    resting sounds good. Jello not so much, but each to their own.

  2. ruthie Says:

    Was the geggo in the monster cup?