
I got a speeding ticket yesterday because I was close to home, driving back after lunch, looked in the rear-view mirror, and saw that Drake had fallen asleep. I knew if he continued to sleep, he wouldn’t nap when we got home. I’d had a bad night’s sleep the night before, and he’d had a rough morning, so we both needed naps.

Immediately, I reached back, jiggled his foot, started singing the ABCs at the top of my voice, and hit the accelerator. Alas, I wasn’t able to multi-task just a bit further to make sure my acceleration was within the speed limit, or notice the police car. I was written up for “unwarranted acceleration.” I guess that depends on your point of view. Kid falling asleep in car just before nap time within twenty blocks of home sure seemed warranted to me.

One Response to “Busted”

  1. Becca Says:

    ARGH. You were on the way home from my house. I feel like I should pay half the fine! Would it be wrong to hook up a little electrical device in the car seat — and you could push a button up front and apply just the tiniest electrical shock? the merest tickle? not enough to hurt but enough to jolt into wakefulness?..wish I had one…