Three things about parenthood that I hate, right now

1. When I put Drake down in the play area so I can go to the bathroom, he screams the entire time.

2. He screams when he’s done being outside, but then keeps screaming when I bring him inside.

3. He fights me when I care for him in basic ways: dressing him, putting a coat on him before going outside into the cold, getting him out of the house so he can visit his girlfriends at the coffee shop, changing his diaper, putting cream on diaper rash, etc.

The lack of sleep and constant self doubt are killers too, but the above three really seem like new circles of hell.

One Response to “Three things about parenthood that I hate, right now”

  1. Trash Says:

    Were you the one who told me that as soon as he stops doing the thing that drives you the most nuts, he will find something else to do? We now finish all of our 4 oz. bottles, with no screaming. However, we no longer like to go right back to sleep when we have finished. Oh, and we also have added *scream for no good reason* to our list of activities.