
#8 in my movie challenge for the year was Made, with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau, directed by the latter. I think this was recommended by someone in the wake of Wedding Crashers as another good movie with Vaughn. I disagree. This movie is just over 90 minutes, but Vaughn’s over-the-top annoying character is so excruciating to watch that the first hour is so painful to watch that my husband and I nearly gave up. I think it was Nigel St. Hubbins who said that there’s a fine line between clever and stupid. There’s also a fine line between funny and painful, and too often Made is on the wrong side. The last half hour, in which Vaughn is less obtrusive and Favreau comes into his own as a mensch, didn’t redeem the film entirely, but did mitigate the pain of what went before.

2 Responses to “Made”

  1. kirk Says:

    Vaughn’s character in Made is soooooo annoying. I’m not sure if it was intended to be so off-putting, but it made the movie painful to watch.

  2. girldetective Says:

    I heard a rumor around the time it came out that Favreau and Vaughn had a falling out as friends, and wondered if that played a part in how the movie turned out. I remember liking Swingers. This, though, felt like an old married couple bickering at one another, and I wondered if Favreau, as the director, made Vaughn look bad on purpose. .