A dry-skin caution

Some might say this is a common-sense caution. I, however, often need to have common-sense things spelled out to me, so I share this dry-skin advice.

The dryness of winter is not a good time to try a retinol product for the first time, especially if you have even moderately sensitive skin. A few years ago I finally bit the bullet on my persistent cystic acne, took my dermatologist’s advice, followed his cautions, and underwent a treatment of Accutane. Accutane, like retinols, is a highly concentrated form of vitamin A that forcefully encourages growth of new skin by sloughing off the outer layers. After several months, the end result was great–I am no longer troubled by cystic acne. My one regret, though, was that I’d undergone the treatment during late fall and winter. The cold, dry air exacerbated the already extreme moisture-draining effects of the drug. Taking retinol in winter made an already difficult process for my skin even more uncomfortable.

If you, like me, are often trying new products, especially ones to combat aging, give yourself and your skin a break. Retinol creams do work for some, but they are irritating. For now, use gentle, hydrating creams and lotions. Products with retinol will still be around in a few months, when the weather and the humidity are more favorable to their use.

2 Responses to “A dry-skin caution”

  1. Kelly Says:

    One of the best things I found for the whole acne thing after being scared off of all the “prescriptions” after a bad expierience with retinol and sun. It’s gross but I swear it works. Raw egg yolk. You spread it on your face and let it dry everyday for one month and then spot treat after that. Just let it dry(about 10 minutes) and then wash it off. It really does work… matter of fact it was the only thing that did work for me.

  2. Girl Detective Says:

    Great, Kelly, you waited to tell me about that AFTER I went to the trouble to use all those broken eggs to make cheesecake!

    I’m not a disbeliever. My favorite cure for yeast infections is a garlic suppository. Some natural remedies do work. I just didn’t find one that did for my acne, so I took Accutane and now don’t need one. But if it ever flares again, I’ll try the egg yolks!