Mother’s Day Recap

For the third year in a row, Drake didn’t get the memo that it was Mother’s Day. He threw a monstrous tantrum before church. We did eventually get there. Afterward, as I was loading Guppy in the car and telling Drake to get in his seat, he ignored me and splashed in a mud puddle. Suddenly he yelled. “Fell in puddle!”

His pants were covered in mud. I had to finish with Guppy and hustle over to Drake, then remove his shoes, socks and pants. He rode home in his diaper. Here was the exchange in the car:

Me: Why did your pants get muddy?
D: Fell in puddle.
Me: Why did you fall in the puddle?
D: Didn’t listen to Mom.
Me: What happens when you don’t listen to Mom?
D: Bad things.

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