I Am Mother; Hear Me Roar

Yesterday I packed both boys into the car and took Drake to get a haircut. Then we drove to the mall so I could buy a sun hat for Guppy. Then we drove to the adjacent Super Target to do our household shopping. Then we went home for lunch and naps.

I think there are two morals to the story. One, if the planets are in alignment and the kids are being good, a morning of errands isn’t impossible, or even unpleasant. They key is noticing when they are (or more importantly aren’t) up for certain things. Also, making errands like this an occasional event enables them to be an adventure, and less of a chore.

Two, going to a different Target because it was “Super” did not benefit me. The selection wasn’t much better than at our neighborhood one, and it took longer to navigate because it was bigger and I didn’t know where everything was.

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