Back on the Mat

I stopped going to yoga during my first trimester carrying Guppy, since I was so tired all the time. I had the choice between yoga class or a nap; I picked the latter. I returned to my yoga mat yesterday for the first time in about a year; I went to a 90-minute class at my local gym. While my husband thought I might want to take it easy and leave early, I stayed to the end, and was rewarded with a nice, long savasana. I love instructors who don’t skimp on this essential part of the practice. It was a humbling class; I had to do many modifications and rest often. Previously, when I’ve been away from yoga, it took as long to recoup as I’d been away. It is discouraging to think it will take a year to work back to my former practice, which wasn’t any great shakes to begin with. Who knows, though. Perhaps I’ll end up being able to do poses that I could not before. In any case, it was good to be back.

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