First Day of (Pre)School

I did not think I would sign Drake up for preschool this fall. He just turned three a few weeks ago, and has regressed from any small progress using the toilet. I’ll deal with it in a few months, I thought, or next year. But then not one but two experienced moms waved their hands at my concerns, so I looked into it and was amazingly not penalized for my procrastination and able to sign him up for a program close by.

All weekend we talked about Drake starting school. This morning, as I struggled to get Drake, Guppy and me out the door, Drake was quick to do several things he usually balks at or refuses altogether: turning off the stereo, leaving behind his balloon, putting on a jacket, going out the door, getting in the car, and giving me back my (locked) cell phone. We arrived and met the teacher, who got out a bucket of trucks. Drake didn’t look up when I said goodbye, which I did twice.

When I picked him up, he was happily finishing his snack, and threw away his cup at the teacher’s request. He ran to give me a big hug, then we went home, where I marvelled that perhaps he was far more ready to start preschool than I’d thought.

Then he refused a diaper change, picked at his lunch, spilled his milk all over the kitchen (and Guppy), and is currently not napping, as is usual these last weeks. So things are back to normal. But the morning preschool was a success, so I’ll see how things go next time and beyond.

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