While I’m on the subject of cancellation

I was mistaken the other day when I said that My So-Called Life was my favorite show, ever. It was certainly one of them, but head to head, I think I’d have to say that another great cancelled show trumps it in my memory. EZ Streets ran for fewer episodes than My So-Called Life, but it packed quite a punch. The shows great cast included Ken Olin, Debra Farentino and Joe Pantoliano, and featured a haunting soundtrack by Loreena McKennitt. It was complicated and dark, and it got cancelled way too early. In Neil Gaiman’s comic series Sandman, Morpheus’ library included books that had only been dreamt of by their creators. I sometimes fancy that a complete collection of EZ Streets episodes would be in the AV section of Dream’s library.

There are other shows that I mourn on occasion: Action, Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, The Job. I’m just hoping that two of my current favorites–life as we know it and Veronica Mars–don’t join that list this season.

2 Responses to “While I’m on the subject of cancellation”

  1. Kai Jones Says:

    Amen on Veronica Mars–it’s very well written and acted.

  2. Girl Detective Says:

    Veronica Mars is written by Rob Thomas, the same guy who did Cupid a few years back, which I liked a lot. I just finished a young adult novel by him called Rats Saw God, which I recommend.