Well, That Backfired

My husband and I have done such a good job of imparting a love of books to our 3yo Drake, we have trouble getting him to put them down. This becomes a problem when he needs to go to sleep. G. Grod and I will turn out the light and leave the room. When we get downstairs, we’ll hear the sound of turning pages, so ten to fifteen minutes later one of us will go up, turn off the light and tell him to get in bed, and we’ll repeat till it works. Kinda like letting him cry it out, but with books. During one of our many recent viruses, though, I decided to lock his book closet again to encourage him to get rest. The books were away, but unfortunately, the Aquaphor was not. I found Drake in his room with petroleum jelly product in his hair, on his chair, and on his bed. He was asleep in his chair, with his hands clutched around the jar of Aquaphor. Since then, the tub of Aquaphor is out of reach, and the books are always available. I’d like to say that if he chooses not to nap, that’s his problem, but of course it’s not. His irritability and meltdowns become all our problems. But I think I’d rather deal with those than with petroleum jelly smeared hither and yon.

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