A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

#2 in my 2007 book challenge was A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. Like Demian, AMF was named by a friend (are you out there, JS?) as one of his favorite books. I bought it and it sat on my shelf. This book is one I regret having waited so long to meet. It is a memoir of Hemingway’s early writing career in Paris, and of his first marriage. It’s literary history, but I also read it as an apology to his first wife, Hadley, and an extended, elegiac suicide note. Having read only a little Hemingway long ago (a book of short stories, in college), I was expecting A Moveable Feast to be well written. I was not expecting a gentle book of humility, love, and sadness. This is one I will gladly read again.

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