Baby Einstein Won’t Make Your Kid Smart

There, I’ve said it. You know it’s true. You want to believe (like I did) that putting your kid in front of a video of classical music paired with bright, colorful images will stimulate their brains. Well, it will, but more toward ADD than genius. I tried to be polite about my dislike of this line when I wrote about Mimi’s Toes, since I have many friends who love it. But the Baby Einstein creator is an honored friend of Laura Bush, and a Forbes article reminds us that there is no evidence that baby electronica is helpful, and much to suggest that it’s harmful.

Baby Einstein is mediocre stuff that targets parents’ hopes and fears about their children’s intelligence. Don’t fall for it. Instead, read a well-written book to your child. Play a non-electronic game with her. Take him outside for some fresh air and exercise. Play some real music, instead of the Muzack-y baby classics. Our son Drake enjoys the Paste magazine CD samplers.

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