The Easy Way Out by Stephen McCauley

#6 in my 2007 book challenge was The Easy Way Out by Stephen McCauley, recommended by a member of my writing group. Though the plot meanders, it has outstanding characters, sharp writing, and some very funny, believable and poignant insights on relationships. Patrick, the main character, can’t seem to dump his boyfriend. One of Patrick’s brothers is engaged, but seeing another woman. The other brother is separated from his wife and living in their parents basement. Published in 1994, some of the material is dated, such as the perception of the threat of AIDS, and the details of the travel industry. Yet the travel details are so hilarious that they inspire nostalgia rather than disdain. (Remember using travel agents to book flights? Remember meeting people as they got off planes?) Sharon, the main character’s best friend and co-worker at a travel agency, takes great pleasure in subverting the travel system, among other things. She is one of the best and funniest characters I have read in a long time.

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