Moulin Rouge (2001)

#50 in my movie challenge for the year was a re-watching of Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge. I agree with the final comment from the Terri Sutton City Pages review when it came out:

Your cake is so stale it makes me sick–but oh, the frosting…

Yes, the center story is a boring and predictable love story about a hooker with a heart of gold, a penniless poet, and a lecherous rich duke. But the Bollywood-esque excess, McGregor’s charm, Kidman’s occasional and surprising comedic turns, and Luhrmann’s famous musical madness, make for a movie that so enthralls me that I watched to the end on this multiple viewing, even though I was exhausted, and kept vowing to go to bed after the VERY NEXT SCENE.

I also admit, guiltily, to singing along.

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