
I counted–there are indeed four ch’s in Bowie’s song.

SO, faithful Girl Detective readers, change is coming. I’m working with Tech Support, aka my husband, to figure out what it’s gonna be, but was thinking that I’d get a new site, with my actual name, so I could have one page for a blog, and another for one of my book groups

But then, what happens to all this? I’ve been blogging for almost 12 years, first at and, and then here at!

Importing all the info is prohibitive, as is paying to keep this site alive beyond what we’re already paid for. We can archive the info at home so at least I have it, but seems a shame that it would go “poof” in a year or so. Anyone who has changed sites/blogs/etc., your input would be appreciated.

One Response to “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes”

  1. carolyn Says:

    isn’t the import to a new site pretty automatic? I mean I know my friend who set things up in wordpress has done that a lot…

    either way KEEP ME POSTED on where to find ya.