Fall 2007 TV Thursday Night: The Office

Note to NBC: longer isn’t better, even with something I love, like The Office. It’s just two episodes smashed together, and ones I would rather see a week apart than endure re-runs sooner than I have to. There were many laugh-out-loud moments about a car accident that made me feel both entertained at the show and horrified at myself for laughing. This was combined with the Office’s usual moments that induce horrified gasps, like a “dangling participle”, and cat-clawed frozen-french-fry bags. No matter. It was still very funny, and has more than earned its Season Pass on my Tivo.

3 Responses to “Fall 2007 TV Thursday Night: The Office”

  1. Deb Says:

    I hate premiere week, it promotes channel surfing in commercials, THAT URKS ME!

  2. Sydney Says:

    Thanks for forcing me to watch this show. It is now a fave of mine, and I have my DVR set to record all episodes, so I can catch up on reruns of the ones I missed.

    Though I agree about an hour being too long, I laughed too many times to count. So it evens out.

  3. girldetective Says:

    It really is one of the most consistent comedies, so I look forward to it every week, and I”m borrowing the previous seasons on DVD from the library, whenever I have time to watch other things.

    Deb–channel surfing! Ergh! Can’t stand it and that’s why we got Tivo.