Root Beer Tasting: On, Wisconsin!

From the New York Times, “A Drink in Search of a Frosty Mug” (link from The Morning News)

Originally, root beers were more like herbal teas, bitter infusions of roots, vines, herbs and spices, including sarsaparilla, sassafras and licorice. Nowadays, the basic components include anise, wintergreen and vanilla, with the addition, perhaps, of flavors like ginger, cloves and mint.

Out of 25 brands (strangely not named), Sprecher of Wisconsin took the top slot. Sprecher is one of my favorites, along with 1919, made here in Minnesota.

2 Responses to “Root Beer Tasting: On, Wisconsin!”

  1. Camille Says:

    I love root beer. I’m the only one in my family who drinks it.

  2. girldetective Says:

    My friend Becca has a theory that butterscotch and coconut are either/or tastes–people either like them or not, but not in between. Perhaps root beer is the same. Drake and I like butterscotch, coconut and root beer; G. Grod does not. I haven’t surveyed Guppy on this yet. Heh.