Baking from “Baked”: Oatmeal Cherry Nut Cookies

Another recipe from Baked: New Frontiers in Baking by Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito, Oatmeal Cherry Nut Cookies, were an obvious choice for me to make. Not only did I have most of the ingredients on hand, their recipe jazzes up the traditional oatmeal cookie by adding winter spices of cinnamon, nutmeg and my current fave, cardamom, along with dried cherries and walnuts. The dough requires freezing for six hours, so I made these with 3yo Guppy in the morning, and baked them in the afternoon. Soft out of the oven, they firmed up on the outside nicely, but still were chewy in the centers. The spice is pronounced; these are not bland! But both my 6yo and 3yo devoured them, so it’s a good alternative to the oatmeal raisin, as promised.

Oatmeal Cherry Nut Cookies

The recipe says to drop the dough by rounded tablespoons on the baking sheet, then

With the palm of your hand, gently press each cookie down so it forms a tall disk shape. Do not press too hard and do not press it flat.

In both the Chipotle Cheddar Biscuits and the Banana Cupcakes with Vanilla Pastry Cream, I found vague directions. Here, they are trying hard to be clear, yet I still wasn’t sure what they mean by a tall disk shape–a cylinder? Also, on my last batch, I forgot to press down on the dough balls, and these were at least as good as the pressed-down ones, so the specificity didn’t result in a better cookie, IMO.

One Response to “Baking from “Baked”: Oatmeal Cherry Nut Cookies”

  1. Beth F Says:

    Hey, regardless, they look and sound yummy. It’s the taste that counts.