Can’t turn our backs for a second

I got back from the grocery co-op yesterday, and my husband G. Grod started to help me put away the groceries. Unfortunately, this meant we both turned our attention away from Drake. When we did notice him, he had opened the carton of eggs and managed to crack every single one of them. He was upset when we dragged him away, since he can’t understand exactly why raw egg is not the best plaything ever. Only one egg was lost and I may still salvage the rest. I made two pies and have a cheesecake on deck. I hadn’t planned a bake-fest, but if the cheesecake turns out well I’ll hardly be in a position to regret the egg debacle.

4 Responses to “Can’t turn our backs for a second”

  1. Amanda Says:

    I’ll have some of that cheesecake!

  2. Girl Detective Says:

    So far, the cheesecake is still virtual. I’ll let you know how it turns out, if I manage to work up the gumption to make it. I made two lasagnas yesterday (in addition to the two pies the day of the egg breakings), one for us and one for a friend with a new baby. Lasagnas are hard work! I need some rest before tackling the cheesecake, though the eggs won’t wait forever, I know.

  3. nyc bette Says:

    GD - what kind of noodles did you use for the lasagna? rice? any hints? i’ve had mixed results making lasagnas with gluten-free noodles.

  4. Girl Detective Says:

    For Bette and any other gluten-free readers out there, I highly recommend Tinkyada rice pasta. It doesn’t suck, and even my gluten-eating husband doesn’t mind them too much. Isn’t it sad how those accolades are high praise for gluten free? Nonetheless, Tinyada rocks, though I had to get the lasagna noodles through mail order from because our grocery co op doesn’t carry all the noodle varieties.