The Constant Gardener

#27 in my movie challenge for the year was The Constant Gardener. I enjoyed this movie a lot. It was not told in in a linear fashion, which I sometimes have difficulty with, and on top of that I’m sleep deprived, and Guppy was on-and-off fussy while we watched so we had to spread it over two nights, but I nonetheless was able to follow both the mystery and the romance. I thought both were well done. Fiennes was good as the everyman who is pressed by circumstances into becoming a spy/detective, and Weisz deserved that Oscar. She was completely believable as the complex character she portrayed.

BTW, Guppy seems less inclines to hang out peacefully (awake or not) while we watch TV and movies at night, so I think my viewing extravaganza may be coming to a close for now.

One Response to “The Constant Gardener”

  1. Vince Tuss Says:

    A spy movie/thriller for the 21st century.