Mom’s Taxi

I spent today and one day last week in an uncharacteristic manner: driving around. I was in and out of the car with both boys all morning, and in the car for a long time. Drake did very well, and Guppy slept the whole time, but it isn’t an experience I want to increase in frequency.

We only have one car that G. Grod and I share. He can take the bus to work or drive. One of the reasons we like where we live is that we’re within walking distance of several parks, a coffee shop, restaurant, two libraries, our grocery co op, and more. I enjoy walking to these places. I get exercise, and my sons get fresh air and a scenic stroller ride.

Running back and forth in the car felt only like it was a means to an end. I know lots of people for whom driving is an everyday event. They live in suburbs and have to drive to everything. I also know people who live near me and drive their kids around to museums, gyms, and other kid venues. I know those has value, but for me and mine, so does avoiding time in the car. The park down the block may be smaller than one I can drive to, but I don’t think Drake enjoys it any less, and I know we’re both better off not having to negotiate getting in and out, and in and out, of the car to go someplace further away.

3 Responses to “Mom’s Taxi”

  1. Loretta Says:

    I don’t like being a taxi either. My daugher’s school is 10 minutes walk away, the park is 3 doors down, and we have a strip of shops near her school too. I always feel guilty when we drive to school; the kids miss out on their fresh air and exercise and are a lot more difficult to handle. Oh, and we are the only ones, in a class of 20 kids, who walk. How sad is that?

  2. weenut Says:

    having moved around a lot, i’ve found that MN rates pretty well in terms of walkable neighborhoods…sadly, all the hills in SF make it very hard to have a leisurely stroll anywhere…blessed be the MNers!

  3. Vince Tuss Says:

    Amen! Nothing felt better today than just through my new guy in the Snugli and walking a few blocks. I still went by a beautiful park. And if I were more ambitious, I could go to the bakery, a restaurant, a coffee shop, a hardware store, two bars, a barber and any number of convenience stores.

    I had to drive from downtown St. Paul to downtown Minneapolis at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday in crash-snarled traffic. Usually I just zoom up on Hiawatha (the avenue, not the light rail) If I had to drive I-94 every day, just shoot me.