Subsidize Fruits and Veggies; Not Snacks!

My friend KT sent me a link to the Environmental Working Group petition. I’m very anti-forwarded email, but I’m very pro-organic and anti-junkfood, so this is a cause close to my heart.

From the EWG website:

Are you satisfied with having just 3% of the fruit you eat free of potentially dangerous pesticides? How about 2% of vegetables? Or less than 0.02% of corn?

Right now, those are the percentages of organic produce available in grocery stores.

Fortunately, the EWG Action Fund is working with Congress to make sure organic farmers get their fair share of federal funds to improve access to healthy alternatives.

You can help right now by signing the EWG Action Fund’s Grow Organics petition. Their goal is 30,000 signatures by July 15!

More information on what they’re doing is in this article from the New York Times.

A great way to support organics is to buy them! Increased demand results in increased supply, which results in lowered costs. I buy organic, local food whenever possible at my local grocery cooperative.

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