It’s Such a Perfect Day

Remember a few weeks ago when I celebrated a mother’s trifecta? Well, yesterday’s good fortune went on from there. Uninterrupted night’s sleep; hot coffee and pastry for breakfast; time to read in peace; kids playing independently so I could practice yoga; a double espresso (our machine’s still in the shop. Sigh) on the way to the park/pool; kids left pool without a fight; nap, reading and writing time; grilled Caesar, Duck confit and grilled duck on a date with my husband at St. Paul’s new Strip Club; browsing at the bookstore without buying; excellent chocolate desserts from Nick and Eddie’s excellent pastry chef. It was lovely.

Then last night was interrupted by 2yo Guppy crying for water in the wee small hours, and he was awake before 6am demanding love, attention and books. And today’s trip to the pool involved fights on either end. So life is more like usual. But yesterday was really great.

2 Responses to “It’s Such a Perfect Day”

  1. Kirk Says:

    Hooray for the M.T.! How was the Strip Club? G. Grod and I will be dining there next month.

  2. girldetective Says:

    The grilled Caesar was a nice twist on the classic. The duck confit was eye-rollingly good. G. Grod’s steak was so good it probably didn’t need the mushroom topping he ordered for it. My duck started out great–crispy skin and tender on the inside, over mixed Chinese vegetables in a soy broth. But the soy asserted itself more and more as I ate, so by the time I finished, the dish was distractingly salty. I told the server; he agreed with my assessment and said it was a new spring recipe, and they were still tinkering with it.

    I can’t comment on dessert, since we went somewhere else, but they didn’t look compelling enough to stay. The shortcakes that went by looked pale, not golden brown.